Thursday, February 22, 2007

Provocative Iranians

Iranian Free Will
It is sad, so sad, that we Iranians just cannot do, what every human being on Earth has managed to do. Why is it, that we cannot just talk to each other, about having a peaceful union? Surely if we Iranians, talked about peace and love amongst each other, we can overcome anything, especially anything that wants to take away our Iranian Free Will.

So have you looked around you, to see if you and your fellow neighbour get along? You probably know that you care for each other. Now why not think that the whole of Iran can agree the same way? We can then peacefully unite. That unity is a mighty force. A unity based on peace, that would be able to oppose hatred.

Hate Ideal
There are in Iran people who promote hate. They will tell you about a certain ideal, that you have to believe in. You will ignore your Free Will, and be forced to submit to what they call 'Ideal'. They will tell you, to forget your Iranian side, and follow them. But you can spot them, and ask them a few questions they cannot answer. Your chance to sort your own problems has arrived. You do not need anyone else.

Passive Resistance
The world cannot sort out Iran's problems. The world will defend itself, but it cannot change Iran. People like you and the people of Iran, showed passive resistance by ignoring the Seyyeds, with the low turnout in the Seyyed's elections. So you hit the Seyyeds, and they are worried. They are feeling provoked, but it needs to get worse. You need to talk more.

Iranian First
The people of Iran must talk more about the Iranian Spirit of Peace and Human Rights, as it exists in our oldest books like Zend Avesta to Hafez. We are all children of Zoroaster and Cyrus the Great. We are no different than Ferdowsi. We feel the Iranian Peace in our hearts. We love to be Iranian first.

Economic Engine
To be an Iranian first, is to not foul Iran's Holy Land with blood. So we Iranians cannot wage war, but we can talk about stopping the economic engine of Iran. Yes you can talk to your neighbour, and tell him how you can beat the Seyyed Empire, with just the talk about a Non Violent Resistance.

The Best
NVR has saved so many countries, and it will save Iran. Yes it will, but I need you to talk about it. Please show the world that your Spirit does not believe in dying or killing. Tell me you Love Life. Tell me you wish the best for your mind; that you wish the best in your bonds; that you wish the best in your actions.

Anger Management
With this positive attitude, you will put Iran's Spirit first, and wish no harm. You will convince even the most angry Seyyed, that you can take his anger. Remember how the Hindus took the anger of the British and they left. Gandhi provoked the British aliens peacefully. We Iranians can do the same.

We Iranians face the horror of an alien war on our Holy Land. Think that the land you walk on is precious. Feel that it was once the most civilized land on Earth. The soil was never wasted or ruined with death or pollution. Respect for our mother Earth made it the wealthiest land on Earth. Look at Damavand, and know that it gave strength to both Rostam's arms and Hafez's mind. You feel the same. You are Iranian.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Iranians ignoring Seyyeds' Rent-a-Crowds

Not to zoom in
The Seyyeds in Iran, long ago, realised that their religious dogma did not wash any more with the secular masses of Iran. Ironically they have to use nationalism in the form of nuclear rights. Unfortunately the world media, especially the BBC, refuses not to zoom in with their TV cameras, on Seyyed's rent-a-crowds. Also the neocons all over the world use this propaganda to foster their global domination paranoia. So the world remains under the false belief; that 70 million Iranians are die-hard mad Islamist Fascists living under the stern rule of Seyyeds.

No blood needed
So what can real secular Iranians, who believe in Free Will, Iranian cultural matters, and economic survival, do to make the world media more aware of their plight against the Seyyeds? Maybe they should organize rent-a-crowds of their own, and try to catch the BBC camera's eye? Maybe just maybe that will discredit the Seyyeds in Iran? Unfortunately many rent-a-crowds, or actually genuine secular Iranian crowds, have been disrupted by Seyyeds' thugs, and a lot of blood was spilled on the Holy Land of Iran. We Iranians cannot afford to have blood on the streets in this regime change. Enough!

Ignore TV
But there is another way, and I am glad to say, it is a much safer way. The people of Iran, must continue to talk of the power of Non Violent Resistance, but not from street marches. Big brother or TV and its media controls the world media, and the secular Iranians are paying a high price for it. Don't for one minute think that the world media tycoons cannot change the regime in Iran if they wanted to. Who would have thought that the mightiest military of the Middle East could be so easily overcome in 1978-1979 Seyyed uprising against the national character of Iran? So they can do it now. But they won't.

But nowadays it is different. Thanks to the Internet, people can express and show their dissent against the media via Blogs and personal web spaces. We all know the huge presence of Iranian Opposition via the Internet. It is however very difficult to create a physical face to face resistance like street wars via the Internet. But the Internet generation of Iran has pushed forward something completely different. It is called 'inaction'. The Iranian people are not participating in Seyyed gatherings. Even the old uneducated superstitious generations know better. But you won't see a TV documentary on it.

Inaction, defiance, and total disregard for anything the Seyyeds in Iran want of the secular Iranian population, worked in the last "Ayatollah elections". The little black man, as Nostradamus calls him, is now cornered. Nostradamus mentioned that he would drop a bomb near Israel in the Mediterranean and his proxies there did just that with Iran's oil fund. But now his proxies much nearer to Iran in the Basij army that get a hefty portion of the oil fund, abstained from that pathetic election. The Basij did not turn out in lorry loads to vote. Hooray apathy rules, and inaction has made good progress against the Seyyeds.

Apathy wins against Seyyeds
So it is with sincere pleasure, that I feel that the people of Iran have finally dissolved the Islamic virus from their brains, by not giving their hearts and minds to the alien Seyyed rulers of Iran. So The Good Spirit is there. The people are talking more and more about the power of apathy. So The Good Words Spirit is there as well. They have seen the simple and yet immensely powerful force apathy can have on zealots. So The Good Deeds Spirit is starting to make headway. Ignore them more my fellow country men and women. Just ignore them, and let them not have on iota of your Iranian attention. Do not participate in their rituals. But do talk about the new force of apathy, and the Spirit of Iran will overwhelm these death wishers, whose only pleasure is to recruit suicide bombers.

Open talk
Once the true secular Iranian people can talk openly, like I do to you, about lack of participation, then the world will realise that the people of Iran are not made of angry masses, easily roused by alien dogma. Do Iranians need foreign governments' help? Not really. I sound a bit vague, because I really do not expect the news media to question the Seyyeds grass roots support. The news media can be bought, and a lot of Iran's oil income goes toward keeping the likes of BBC, AP, Reuters, and AFX to shut up, and not show the real Iranians feeling towards the alien Seyyeds.

The question to ask
So what do you want the world media to say that they are not saying Ali Mostofi? That is what I hear you saying? Well, I want you Mr Editor to ask the question from the authorities illegally occupying the Peacock Throne and Majlis, what they would do if the people decided not to participate. This question is along the same hypothetical lines, as the question (that you keep asking the zealots), of what they would do in case there is a US attack. That question has managed to raise the temperature, and drive up oil prices on the exchanges. Just look at how well this little man's big mouth has managed to raise the oil price for no reason at all. If the world media had asked other scenarios from the little man, then maybe he would not be standing on his empty tin pot for so long.

Will of God vs Spirit of Iranians
So if the world press joined me, and asked the tin pot rulers of Iran, what could you do to stop a General Strike, then the very question will ensue a debate that will really embarrass them like never before in history of Islam, and in particular of Seyyeds. After all, they are supposed to have the "Will" of God behind them. How come the people of Iran, have managed to go against that "Will" so well? Can it be that the Spirit of Iran, is more powerful than any make belief dogma? But will the world media, have the charity to ask the zealots these questions, because we do not have any real opposition leader in Iran, with loads of spare cash to pay the world media to spread that idea?